eat well

In the last few years I went through a huge transformation. Shortly after I started doing yoga, I became a vegetarian as well. First a bad one. Eating too much pasta, bread and the likes. My diet was based on carbohidrates. I constanly felt tired and deflated in the evenings. I tried taking multivitamins and different other supplements, but they brought no major improvement in my energy level.
Of course everyone was telling to eat meat, because that is the solution. I would have energy straight away, if I ate meat. I was thinking about it, but I could not make myself to eat meat again. Just the thought of it makes me cringe. I feel so happy not eating animals. To me becoming a vegetarian wasn't a sacrifice it was a relieve. Therefore I wanted to stay this way and find out more about nutrition and improve my diet instead.
Luckily one of my best friends, Orsi started researching the subject at the same time, so we started exchanging information. She has shown me many different blogs and websites about healthy eating and nutrition. (I will list my favourite ones at the bottom.)
I am still at the beginning of my journey towards the ideal diet, but I have already changed many things in my life. I am slowly changing my stubborn boyfirend's diet as well and would like to share some of my favourite recipes. Their effects on my wellbeing, mood and energy level is amazing! I hope I will inspire some of you to try them out as well! I can assure you these are all amazingly tasty dishes, that are highly addictive! It's a good addiction to have though. :)

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